Creative Adventures in Cursive
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Writing is cooler in cursive, and Creative Adventures in Cursive gives kids ideas for practicing writing skills, then guides them into cursive creativity.
As many educators will attest, writing in cursive provides cognitive benefits in spelling, memory, reading comprehension, language skills, and overall academic confidence. Practicing cursive carries similar benefits when drawing; once you learn the basic shapes, you can play with it by creating your own personal style.
In Creative Adventures in Cursive, noted author Rachelle Doorley, the creative force behind Tinkerlab, shows twenty fun and colorful ways to use script to make posters, present school projects, design monograms, create greeting cards, decorate book bags and t-shirts, ice cookies and cakes — writing in script with everything, including fabric markers, pastry tubes, string and yarn, and of course brushes, pens, and crayons.