The City Hall Korean Drama
Product Description
Korean Title: City Hall
Starring: Cha Seung-Won, Kim Sun-A, Soo Sang-Mi
Director: Kim Do-Hyun
Studio: YA Entertainment (US)
Rating: 12 Up
Genre: Drama
This DVD is encoded for Region 1 (See below to make sure which region code is designated to your area). This DVD will NOT be viewable on regular DVD players made for other regions unless they are code-(region-)free DVD players.
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About This DVD
If you liked Kim Sun-Ah in My Lovely Sam-Soon, you’ll love her in City Hall!
All’s fair in love and politics! From the creators of Lovers in Paris and Lovers in Prague comes City Hall, a romantic comedy with a political twist that pairs movie star Cha Seung-Won with My Lovely Sam-Soon’s vivacious heroine, Kim Sun-Ah.
Jo Gook (Cha Seung-Won, SBS Best Actor Award) is an ambitious big-city bureaucrat with an eye on the presidency. Much against his wishes, he is abruptly dispatched to be the new deputy mayor in the backwater coastal town of Inju where he meets Mi-rae (Kim Sun-Ah), a low-level clerk who works in the mayor’s office. Jo Gook quickly makes enemies with just about everyone at the City Hall. But his most ridiculous run-ins are with Mi-rae, whose kindheartedness and steadfast determination end up capturing the hearts and minds of all Inju citizens.
Audio Format:DD 2.0 Stereo
Video Format:Widescreen 1.85:1 (Anamorphic)
Country Made:Korea
Region Code:1
Year Made:2010
Running Time:20 Episodes (1200 min.)
Special Features:
– Talk Show
– Kim Sun-Ah: Interviews & Commentaries (59 min, English Subtitles)