Lucifer Korean Drama
Product Description
aka: Devil, Devil Times
Korean Title: Mawang
Starring: Um Tae Woong, Shin Min A, Ju Ji Hoon
Director: Park Chan Hong
Studio: E&E Media
Rating: –
Genre: Drama (TV)
This DVD is encoded for Regions 3,4,5 and 6 (See below to make sure which region code is designated to your area). This DVD will NOT be viewable on regular DVD players made for other regions unless they are code-(region-)free DVD players.
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About This DVD
The Lucifer is a story about two men who were predestined to confront each other over a tragic incident that happened when they were young, and a woman who has psychometric powers. Through the bitter fight of its main characters and their desperate attempts to uncover the truth, this drama attempts to find answers to such questions as what is good and what is evil, and how good and bad fortune are formed.
The murder case that begins with an afterimage of one girl is completely ignored and closed quickly because of the girl’sv preposterous testimony. Twelve years later, detective Kang Oh-soo (played by Um Tae-woong) receives a taro card meaning ‘judgment’ and a letter. A brutal game begins between the culprit and the victim of the case, which began as a trivial incident 12 years ago but has snowballed into a big tragedy, and a mysterious witness.
Audio Format:DD 2.0 Stereo
Video Format:Anamorphic Widescreen
Subtitles:English, Korean
Country Made:Korea
Region Code:3,4,5,6
Year Made:2008
Running Time:20 Episodes
Special Features:-