I Am Sam Korean Drama
Product Description
Korean Title: I Am Sam
Starring: Yang Dong-geun, Son Tae-young, Park Min-young
Director: Kim Jeong-gyu
Studio: EnE Media (Korea)
Rating: NR
Genre: Drama (TV)
This DVD is encoded for Regions 3,4,5 and 6 (See below to make sure which region code is designated to your area). This DVD will NOT be viewable on regular DVD players made for other regions unless they are code-(region-)free DVD players.
* Region 1 – US, US Territories, Canada, Bermuda / * Region 2 – Japan, Europe, S Africa, ME incl. Egypt / * Region 3 – SE Asia, E Asia incl. S Korea and Hog Kong / * Region 4 – Australia, New Zealand, C & S America, Pacific Islands, The Caribbean / * Region 5 – Former Soviet Union, Indian Subcontinent, Africa, N Korea, Mongolia / * Region 6 – China
About This DVD
The story focuses on the conflicts between the young teachers and the problems that high school students have. Jang Yi San is a timid and incompetent classical music teacher who has to teach the only daughter of a highly dangerous mob leader. Eun Byul is the mob leader’s daughter and she is also a new student at MyungMoon High but knows nothing whatsoever.
Audio Format:DD 2.0 Stereo
Video Format:Widescreen 1.85:1 (Anamorphic)
Country Made:Korea
Region Code:3, 4, 5, 6
Year Made:2008
Running Time:-
Special Features:
– TV Show
– NG Cuts