No Limit Korean Drama
Product Description
Korean Title: Maenttange Heading
Starring: Jeong Yun-Ho, Ara(a), Lee Yun-Ji(a)
Director: Park Seong-Su
Studio: MBC
Rating: –
Genre: Drama (TV)
This DVD is encoded for Regions 1 and 3 (See below to make sure which region code is designated to your area). This DVD will NOT be viewable on regular DVD players made for other regions unless they are code-(region-)free DVD players.
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About This DVD
The drama about a man trying to achieve what is thought to be impossible: fulfilling his dreams of being a great soccer player. He meets Kang Hae Bin, a sports agent who tries to live her life away from the influence of her rich father.
U-Know Yun Ho’s character, Cha Bong Goon lives an unhappy life, having almost died three times in his life. However, as a lover of soccer, he aspires to become a professional national player. Eventually, with the passion he has for the sport, he overcomes the obstacles in his path and accomplishes his goal. This drama will show viewers a heartwarming story of his success and how he overcomes his obstacles.
Go Ah Ra’s character, Kang Hae Bin is a soccer agent that wants to be able to be recognized through her own strength in a man’s world. She is first captivated by Bong Gun’s (Yun Ho’s) kick and although they fight often, he ends up saving her life and they fall in love. Lee Sang Yoon’s character, Jang Seung Woo plays a smart guy and he admires Hae Bin.Actress Lee Yoon Ji, Oh Yeon Yi will be playing an old friend of Yunho’s character and has feelings for him. She will thus play out a love triangle with Go Ara and Yunho in the drama.
Audio Format:DD 2.0 Stereo
Video Format:Widescreen 1.85:1 (Anamorphic)
Country Made:Korea
Region Code:1, 3
Year Made:2010
Running Time:16 Episodes
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