Great Ambition Korean Drama
Product Description
Korean Title: Daemang
Starring: Jo In Sung, Jang Hyuk, Son Ye Jin, Lee Yo Won, Han Jae Suk
Director: Kim Jong-Hak
Studio: SBS
Rating: –
Genre: Drama/History/Action
This DVD is encoded for Regions 1,3,4 and 5 (See below to make sure which region code is designated to your area). This DVD will NOT be viewable on regular DVD players made for other regions unless they are code-(region-)free DVD players.
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About This DVD
A woman left her newborn child at the doorsteps of a rich merchant, stating that the child was of the merchant’s blood. Eighteen years later, the small child grew up to be Park Jae Young (Jang Hyuk), the younger son of PHC. He was a warm-hearted person though a bit naive in the ways of the world and was often being used by his scheming elder brother Park Si Young (Han Jae Suk)who was a person totally lacking in morals. PSY lived to satisfy his own ambition and not concerned whom he hurt along the way. Not knowing Yoon Yeo Jin (Lee Yo Won) was of the aristocratic class, PJY had loved her since they were small children. YYJ also loved him and tried to ignore her higher class status. When PJY ran away from home after finding out that his father and elder brother killed the family of a govt official for refusing his bribe and tricked his friends into admitting the crime, he encountered Choi Dong Hee (Son Yeh Jin) and her merchant father. Through these people, he also got to meet the mother he had never seen who by this time has become a powerful political lobbyist. Into the mix, the fight over who would be the next emporer was getting intense with the 2 brothers supporting different sides. Will good trimph over evil
Audio Format:DD 2.0
Video Format:Widescreen 1.85:1 (Anamorphic)
Country Made:Korea
Region Code:1,3,4,5
Year Made:2003
Running Time:26 episodes
Special Features:-